Diversity in Social Work
In order to fulfill the requirements of competency 2.1 on the learning contract. I opted to find a peer reviewed research article that discussed "the importance of diversity and difference in shaping life experiences in practice at the micro, mezzo, and macro levels." I chose Klotz's (2004) article Sociocultural study of intellectual disability: moving beyond labelling and social constructionist perspectives. This was a highly interesting article about how our labels and social constructionist perspectives. affect our treatment of those with intellectual disabilities and our interactions with them. The article began with Robert Edgerton's studies in the 1960s. In his study of mildly ID individuals in and out of institutionalized settings, Edgerton concluded that they were unable to live in situations deemed "normal" and "acceptable as an argument against deinstitutionalizing them (Klotz, 2004, p. 95). However he did attest that the great amount of lite...